Thank you to all who shopped the Friends of the Library Fall Book Sale in October. More than $6,000 was raised over the weekend.
Also, many thanks to the volunteers who helped set up, staff and clean up the sale, especially the Maine South Key Club members who schlepped the inventory out of storage and onto the sales floor.
About the Friends
The Friends of the Park Ridge Library is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, dedicated to the support of the Library. Through an annual membership drive and several large book sales, the Friends raise money for special programs, collections, and services that enhance the Library and benefit the community. Each year the Friends contribute more than $15,000 to the Library.
Funds raised benefit several areas of the Library, including prizes for adult, teen, and children reading clubs; the purchase of licenses for feature films that are shown free throughout the year; funds for events like the Book Club Mixers; special performances like this summer’s Nanny Nikki and Justin Roberts concerts; and interactive items like the activities and other items you’ll find in the Children’s Department Calming Space and Mother’s Room.
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